Practice! Practice! Practice!

I practice my stories three times, hence the title of this blog. When you feel comfortable with your stories and ready to tell them, you’ll know what’s right for you as far as number of practice times needed.

A new story for me means lots of thinking about the story. Is it right for me? Do I like it? Will it work for my audience? (I only tell stories to children, and my favorites are folk tales.)

Some stories are so ingrained in me that I could tell them at a moment’s notice, but I still practice. My audience deserves that, and not only do I want to feel comfortable, I want to be my best.

Never tell a story you don’t like or you want to tell because someone else told it. If the story doesn’t feel right, it won’t be a good fit, and it will not work. Spend your time looking for a story that works for you and one you truly like.

Okay, you’ve played the story through your mind. Now practice telling it out loud. Practice in front of some stuffed animals, in the shower, riding in the car. You’ll learn what feels right and what works or doesn’t. I like to practice when I’m walking on the track at the Y. It’s okay if people think I’m talking to myself…I am!