Let Me Look Into Your Eyes!

Now you see me…now you don’t! Which actually could seem quite true in a storytelling session. After all, the listeners are picturing your story in their minds, so maybe you really do “disappear!”

The best tip when telling a story…look at your audience. Maintain eye contact. Your audience will feel valued and part of the story. It may seem uncomfortable at first to look into their eyes, but it is key to establishing a relationship with your audience as a storyteller. It shows you have a vested interest in your story and your audience. And the more you keep this in mind and practice looking at your audience (or your stuffed animals, your dog, yourself in the mirror), the more comfortable you will feel.

So, look into their eyes, maintain that eye contact, and enjoy the power of a story.

: http://www.ednawaidellcravitz.com/let-me-look-into-your-eyes/