Pick a Story

Telling one of my favorite stories.
Telling one of my favorite stories.

The best tip on choosing a story to tell is to pick one that you like. Sounds simple enough, doesn’t it? But that’s the trick to telling a good story. Choose one that you like; that you can relate to, and has a special quality about it that is meaningful to you. Perhaps the story has a lesson to tell; or is funny or heartwarming. Maybe you have a personal story to tell, or you remember one from your past that you’d love to share.

I remember one time planning on telling a story that I had heard from an extraordinary teller. When she told the story, I was mesmerized; but when I practiced telling the story myself, it just didn’t work for me. Why? The other teller had made that story hers, she had a vested interest in the story and I didn’t.

So, have fun picking a story that you like and can make your own.
